Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Next Comes Samitum

Samitum Sampler

While the rest of my Weave Structures Study Group continued with Turned Taqueté, I decided my next logical step was Samitum.

The difference between the two weave structures is slight. Using the Summer & Winter threading, add a third tie-down on shaft three and weave without throwing tabby picks and you have Samitum.

Samitum Sampler - Detail
I had only a tiny bit of the lavender-colored yarn.
In this way I managed to use it all.

Taqueté requires two shuttle tosses per pass. It is double-faced and reversible. But Samitum, because it has three tie-down warps, requires three shuttle tosses per pass. It is triple dense and not reversible. The twill tie-down structure is apparent on the surface of this cloth.

Having woven Taquete at 30 e.p.i., I began Samitum using 20/2 perle cotton warp at the same sett. Surprisingly this sett was far too dense. So I opened it to 24 e.p.i. then switched again for a final sett of 20 e.p.i. Still, the cloth has a tendency to curl in along the selvedges. If ever I weave this again I’d consider opening the sett even further.
Samitum Sampler - Detail
It appears this photo doesn't want to be here.
This is the third try at posting. My apologies if it disappears again.

What appears grey here is actually dusty lavender. It was interesting to switch the red and lavender. Color study is endlessly fascinating and it is one way to use up odd bits of yarn.

I am glad for having had the occasion to explore Samitum. With that third shuttle, it holds far more design freedom than Taqueté. On the other hand, it takes longer to weave. Time will tell when and if I get back around to Samitum.

Warp On/Weave Off,

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