Monday, July 30, 2018

Green Waffles Without Ham

It sounds a bit Dr. Suess-ish but I could not resist.

Would you, could you if they were hand woven?

I do! I do like them handwoven, Sam-I-am!

Green Waffle Weave Towel
Showing hem and both sides

This warp is coming closer to the ideal combination of structure, sett and yarn size to truly please me. The colors make me happy, too. The sett is 34 e.p.i. Natural colored 16/2 cotton is combined with Olive green and variegated 20/2 cottons. Using slightly smaller sized yarns for the plain weave warps and wefts made for the best waffle weave structure yet. Every successive warp has shown slight improvement over all previous waffle warps. It is very satisfying to watch a design develop.

Two Waffle Weave Towels
Two different border design ideas

Here you see two ideas for border treatments. The folded towel starts out with the weft colors arranged as in the warp. Then after a few repeats I dropped the green and used natural in its place. It is very different. The one on the right shows the green replaced by natural for a few repeats a short way above each hem. Although I like the towel on the right best, both are nice.

My loved one's health issue continues to suck most of the time and energy out of us both. I finished weaving this warp back in April. There is one more waffle warp done since then. I will write about that one next time. And (Hooray!) there is another new warp on my loom. More to come . . .

Warp On/Weave Off,